University of Amsterdam
Oudezijds Voorburgwal 229-231
1012 EZ Amsterdam
In the aftermath of the 2016 US election, Brexit and a global upsurge of nationalist populism, it is evident that the delirium and the crisis of neoliberal capitalism is now the delirium and crisis of liberal democracy and its culture. And though capitalist crisis does not begin within art, art can reflect and amplify its effects to positive and negative ends.
With his research, supervised by prof. dr. C.M.K.E. Lerm-Hayes and co-supervised by prof. Jeroen Boomgaard, Gregory Sholette connects art, artists and activism in order to understand the relationship between politics and art in a neoliberal society. Sholette lays out clear examples of art’s deep involvment in capitalism, from surging art market prices to gentrification and global economic competition.
We cordially invite you to Gregory Sholette’s PhD defense at the Agnietenkapel, University of Amsterdam, on April 21st at 4 PM, where Prof. dr. Hilde Van Gelder will be a member of the jury.