Folkwang’s Quartier Nord in room 2.13 & online
On February 7, 2024, Alexander Streitberger from Université Catholique de Louvain will be the next speaker of our Folkwang Photo Talk series. The talk will accompagny the 16th research colloquium on the theory and history of photography at Folkwang University of the Arts. The talk explores how contemporary photographic practices challenge both the documentary and reflexive function of the medium. Despite of the title »The Photographic«, referring to Rosalind Krauss’ definition of the reflexive and symbolic character of the photograph »as representation or sign«, Streitberger will suggest that a lot of the photographic work presented in the two exhibitions (and, by extension, of artistic photography today) are rather unphotographic, for the differences between signal and noise (i.e. relevant information and is indistinguishable environment), between photography and other media are compromised. Examples as different as Hana Miletic’s tapestery »Software«, Louise Lawler’s »Cities (adjusted to fit)«, Jean-Luc Moulène’s foam and colored resin sculptures or Sondra Perry’s »Lienage for a Multiple-Monitor Workstation« are discussed to show how the »unphotographic« becomes a (if not the) condition of the definition of photography within contemporary art and visual culture.
The talk will be held on February 7 at 6 pm CET at Folkwang’s Quartier Nord in room 2.13 and also online. Please email them for the Zoom link! Everybody from inside and outside the university is very welcome!