Paper Presentation: Anna Sejbæk Torp-Pedersen will present a paper at Congress of the Comité International d'Histoire de l'Art, Lyon


Paper Presentation: Anna Sejbæk Torp-Pedersen will present a paper at Congress of the Comité International d'Histoire de l'Art, Lyon

36th Congress of the Comité International d’Histoire de l’Art
June 23 to 28, 2024, Lyon, Centre de congrès

The 36th CIHA Congress is organized under the aegis of the Comité français d'histoire de l'art (CFHA) in partnership between the CFHA, the Institut national d'histoire de l'art (INHA), the Université Lumière Lyon 2 and the Laboratoire de recherche historique Rhône-Alpes (LARHRA CNRS UMR 5190).

Anna Sejbæk Torp-Pedersen will present "Embodied Maps" on 27 June, 16.00-17.30

Lieven Gevaert Centre
KU Leuven, Faculty of Arts
Blijde Inkomststraat 21 pb 3313
B-3000 Leuven

Lieven Gevaert Centre
UC Louvain, Archéologie et d'histoire d'art
FIAL - Place Blaise Pascal 1 bte L3.03.13
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve