This book is the result of a collaborative project, commissioned to the Lieven Gevaert Research Centre for Photography and Visual Studies at the KULeuven by the Concertgebouw Bruges. Complying to its mission as a laboratory for creation, the Concertgebouw seeks farreaching synergies between different artistic media. Photography and music thus found one another in a creative encounter that lasted six months, during MOZART06, the Concertgebouw's festival in the Spring of 2006. In the Name of Mozart, a double series of photographic portraits realised by Belgian photographer Malou Swinnen, is the outcome of this research. Malou Swinnen has portrayed seventeen Mozart performers, right before entering the stage, in two different states. The images are all included in this book and are accompanied by statements from the portrayed musicians themselves. The fascinating relationship between photography and music is addressed in an essay written by Katelijne Schiltz and Hilde Van Gelder. Liesbeth Decan has interviewed Malou Swinnen in depth. This results in an interview-essay that offers challenging historical insights into the artist's work.
€15,50, ISBN 9789058675699, paperback, 64 pp., English