Université de Liège
Bâtiment A
Place du 20 Août, 7
4000 Liège
Nowadays, many researchers have been attracted to the question of the relationship between art and science. Until now, they have been able to establish the role of technological and scientific advancements in the arts of the Renaissance until the present with a growing pertinence. The objective of this colloquium, which will be held in French, is to understand the reason for many artists's fascination towards science, and more. By intersecting the viewpoints of artists, scientists and art historians, this interdisciplinary approach opens up the way for discussions that cross the borders of art. With this approach, the mutual interactions between two disciplines (art and science), which have been separated and even opposed to each other by the academic world, can be measured. This colloquium wants to overcome the specialities and frontiers, in order to construct a balanced view upon the subject, namely both historical as well as critical about the relationships of art-science and science-art.
Four thematic axes will structure the lectures:
- Postures et identités: l'artiste savant et le scientifique-artiste
- Définitions et débats criqitues: art scientifique ou invention artistique?
- Inspirations mutuelles: de la science comme source d'inspirations à la science créative
- Une relation nécessaire: la science au service de l'histoire de l'art/l'art au service des sciences de la santé
The conference will be held in French. The final program will be communicated on 15 February 2017.
Organisation: Julie Bawin, Yaël Naze | Scientific Committee: Maria-Giulia Dondero, Vincent Geenen, Eric Haubruge, Jean-Marc Levy-Leblond, Alexander Streitberger, David Strivay, Yves Winkin