10 am
Politecnico di Milano
In/visible constellations. Photography and spaces of imagination in the Swiss Italian borderscape
PhD defence
24 May 2022, Politecnico di Milano, h. 10.00
The national boundary line that separates Italy and Switzerland is today highly dematerialized and mostly invisible. Yet, it continues to exist as a "borderscape", reproduced by a series of crossing practices - such as cross-border work and migration - and by their associated imaginaries. Through an analysis of contemporary photographic artworks, field research for the making of photographs, and a careful study of a specific territory, the thesis explores how contemporary photography can reveal the in/visible constellations of this borderscape and counter its hegemonic representations, both practically and theoretically.
Examination committee:
Christian Schmid (ETH Zurich)
Luca Gaeta (Politecnico di Milano)
Hilde Van Gelder (KU Leuven)
Christa-Maria Lerm Hayes (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
Xavier Ribas (University of Brighton)