9:30 AM - 14:00 PM
UHasselt, campus Diepenbeek
Date: 26 March, 2025, 9:30 AM - 14:00 PM
Location: UHasselt, campus Diepenbeek
Organized by: Nicoletta Grillo
In this presentation, Natália Trejbalová, a visual artist based in Milan, will introduce the methodology of her work and artistic production, which draws inspiration from both scientific research and speculative narration, particularly science fiction. Starting from her most recent video work, Never Ground (2025), Trejbalová investigates the possibilities of science fiction as an imaginative precursor to future scientific discoveries. Never Ground takes inspiration from the connection between speleological underground exploration and space exploration, using miniature scenography and pre-digital analog special effects. Through excerpts from texts consulted for the video (Jules Verne, Athanasius Kircher, and others) and their connection to subsequent technologies and discoveries, the presentation traces the importance of fictional techniques within artistic and scientific research—two fields that were once closely intertwined.