20 YEARS LIEVEN GEVAERT SERIES: 25% off all volumes in the Lieven Gevaert Series

Use discount code LGS2024 and get 25% off all volumes in the Lieven Gevaert Series

Named after a ground-breaking figure in the Belgian photography industry, the Lieven Gevaert Series is a peer reviewed series of  innovative books on photography. Launched in 2004, the LG Series takes into account the ubiquitous presence of photography within modern culture and, in particular, the visual arts. At the forefront of contemporary thinking on photography, the books offer new insights in the position of the photographic medium within the art historical, theoretical, social and institutional contexts.

The Lieven Gevaert Series is published by Leuven University Press, in collaboration with ‘The Lieven Gevaert Research Centre for Photography, Art and Visual Culture’ at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and Université catholique de Louvain (www.lievengevaertcentre.be).

The series covers four types of publications:

  • outstanding monographic studies
  • multi-authored volumes on a specific topic
  • book length projects with artists
  • translations and/or reprints of classic texts.

All books are published in English and are written for an international audience of scholars.

All books in the series are published in 17*23cm paperback with French flaps, printed in black and white on white maco paper and with a maximum page extent of 300 pages (120.000 words) including images (unless agreed otherwise).

For more information, please contact the series editors.

Series editors
Hilde Van Gelder (hilde.vangelder(AT)kuleuven(dot)be)
Alexander Streitberger (alex.streitberger(AT)uclouvain(dot)be)

Lieven Gevaert Centre
KU Leuven, Faculty of Arts
Blijde Inkomststraat 21 pb 3313
B-3000 Leuven

Lieven Gevaert Centre
UC Louvain, Archéologie et d'histoire d'art
FIAL - Place Blaise Pascal 1 bte L3.03.13
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve