The students of the specialization master in visual cultures (UCLouvain), supervised by Professors A. Streitberger (FIAL) and S. Fevry (COMU), invite you to the opening of their virtual exhibition, on May 11 at 6 p.m.
Images have always been a constitutive part of human societies, of history as it is perceived and told, of our fabric of meaning and of individual and collective imaginations. However, nowadays, we observe a constant intensification of the flow of images which reach us and which we create: in particular by our consumption of social networks, advertising, continuous information, films and series, etc. This multiplication of types of images and supports is enough to make you dizzy!
To adapt to the confinement caused by the covid-19 crisis, the exhibition, initially planned for Louvain-La-Neuve, has been virtually recreated to accommodate a digital version of the works on display.
From the concept of metapicture developed by W.JT. Mitchell, we offer you a real reflection on images, media and the borders of art. This immersive virtual journey invites us to (re) discover the images of our daily lives, through the powers and influences they exert on us.
Dive with us into the virtual spiral across your screen!
Practical Information:
A registration is essential to have access to the opening which will be held on Monday May 11 at 6 p.m. You can now register using the online form provided for this purpose. On the opening day, you will receive an email with the link allowing you to connect to the exhibition. Several activities will enliven the evening and encourage discussion.
From Tuesday 12 May, we will publicly communicate the link that will make the exhibition accessible to everyone. Visit our Facebook page for more information and to preview some images of the exhibition!
Link to regestration form;
Link to the opening event:
Link to the exhibition event;
Link to the facebook page: