Musée L
Place des sciences, 3 bte L6.07.01
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
The works presented during this fortnight invite you to explore the contemporary city as aggregate spatio-temporal multilayer, where diverse social, cultural and economic realities intertwine. Divided into two themes including five works each, the films shine a glance on the plural and diverse structure of cities, as well as the structure of urban spaces which offer us a wealth of stories and histories.
02/05/2019 - 09/05/2019
Screening of films that explore urban structures
- Peter Downsbrough, SET [ING], 2003
- Robert Suermondt, Sao Paulo, 1997
- Aglaia Konrad, From Materia: Architectuur en België, 2005
- Herman Asselberghs, Altogether, 2008
- Justin Bennett, City of Progress, 2009
10/05/2019 - 16/05/209
The projected works invite to discover various urban narratives
- Els Opsomer, IMOVIE (2): In-Between / Shifting, 2004
- Alina Cristea, Bucharest. The City - Me by, 2017
- Shelly Silver, 5 Lessons And 9 Questions About Chinatown, 2009
- Otolith Group, Otolith II, 2007
- Ken Kobland, The Nothing That Is ..., 2016
- 02/05/2019 (18:00): Artist Talk: Peter Downsbrough
- 07/05/2019 (12:30): Meeting with Alina Cristea
- 16/05/2019 (18:00): Artist Talk: Els Opsomer